About Us
We patrol and respond to residents complaints of stray or nuisance dogs or cats in the communities of:
The Town of Espanola,
The Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers (Massey, Walford, Webwood),
The Town of Spanish,
The Township of Baldwin (McKerrow),
The Township of Nairn-Hyman,

and stray or nuisance dogs only, in the communities of:

The Town of North Eastern Manitoulin and the Islands (Little Current & Sheguiandah)

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek (Whitefish Lake First Nation),
Wahnapitae First Nation,
Whitefish River First Nation (Birch Island),
Serpent River First Nation
M'Chigeeng First Nation

We also provide By-Law Enforcement Services for the:

The Town of Espanola,
The Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers (Massey, Walford, Webwood),
The Town of Spanish,
The Township of Baldwin (McKerrow),
The Town of Nairn-Hyman,

For more information or to place a report call:

705-673-3647 (DOGS) or 1-800-836-6661

Lost and found pets:

If you have found a dog or cat in any of the Communities above, that you cannot care for, the animal can be placed in our care.  Visits to the Shelter are by appointment only, please call to arrange to drop the animal off at the Shelter or call to request a pick up.

If you need the animal picked up it is best if you call early in the day to make the arrangements. We ask that you take steps to confine the dog or cat until the Officer arrives, and that you immediately call the Shelter in the event the owners claim the animal or the animal is no longer in your possession for whatever reason.

Lost and found reports may be placed anytime: Click here to place a lost or found report

After Hours and Weekends:

For concerns regarding injured stray dogs or cats, or situations where a dog or cat are a threat to public safety in the communities listed above please place a report 24 hours a day 7 days a week!  Officers are on patrol 7 days a week and can be on the road at any hour depending on the case.  Feel free to place complaints regarding a stray or nuisance animal at any reasonable time including evenings or weekends as you never know where the officers may be.  It may be the case they are in your neighbourhood and can respond immediately and impound the animal or gather information they can use to lay charges as appropriate.      

Placing a report: 
The information the public provides regarding problem animals (or their owners) helps our Officers improve community safety. All complaints are logged for future reference and are constantly being referred to by our Officers and staff during the performance of their duties.  If you don't report it we don't know to look for it. 

Any and all information reported to the Rainbow District Animal Services and By-law Enforcement is kept strictly confidential and is only disclosed with your permission in the event the information you provide is needed to prosecute a matter before the court.  Rainbow District Animal Control and Shelter Services is a Law Enforcement agency and all information provided by the Public is protected from disclosure under the various freedom of information laws currently in effect.  

Roaming Dogs or Cats:
In any of the communities above no one is permitted to allow their dog and in some cases cat to roam free. Residents must keep their dogs leashed and under the control of a person when ever venturing off their own property. Every Citizen has the right to report or confine a stray animal and have it impounded by an Officer. The owner of any seized pet is liable for all fines and fees associated with its impoundment.

Dog Or Cat Bites:
Please report all cases of dogs or cats biting, scratching or attacking persons or domestic animals. These calls are given priority. It is an offence to allow a pet to bite, scratch or attack a person or another animal. The owner may be charged, and a muzzle or leashing order may be issued under a local by-law or under the Provincial Dog Owners Liability Act.

Rabies Reporting: 
Rabies cases are on the rise in Ontario.  Animals can transmit Rabies several days before they begin to show symptoms.  Rabies is 100% fatal in Humans once symptoms start to present so following Rabies Protocols is important, failure to do so may result in prosecution by your local Public Health Authority under Federal or Provincial Statutes.  
If someone has been bitten or scratched by any animal it is mandatory to notify your local Public Health Agency and for the victim to consult a physician. 


The Sudbury & Manitoulin Districts:  705-522-9200
The East Algoma District (Blind River): 705-356-2551 
First Nations Communities (Health Canada):  705-671-4108 

Any animal that has bitten or scratched a person is required to undergo a mandatory 10 day quarantine to ensure there is no possibility of rabies transmission.  Quarantines are supervised by your local Public Health Authority and may be conducted in the owner's home or at an animal shelter.      
Residents may surrender pets for euthanasia following the quarantine period or may choose to use our facility to quarantine an animal.  Failure to follow Quarantine Protocols may result in the animal ordered quarantined by the local Public Health Authority in an animal shelter at the owner's expense.   

Click here to learn more about giving up an animal you own.

Barking Dogs:
Barking dogs can cause a lot of aggravation for residents. We investigate all barking dog complaints where there are by-laws in place.  Please call our office for more information on the by-laws in place where you live.  The first step is a warning and consultation with the problem pet owner in order for them to learn to change their habits. Fines of up to $5000 can be levied against persons who continue to allow or permit an animal to disturb the peace quiet and repose of any individual.

If you are having a problem with a neighbour's dog we would ask that you start taking a log (either on your own or on the sample form provided below) of the disturbances and make regular reports to our office during regular business hours. If you are ever required to appear in court you need to have an independent recollection of the occurrences and we must show that these occurrences are habitual and ongoing in order to secure a conviction.
Click here to download the Noise Log
Stoop and Scoop:
Make it a habit to pick up after your pet!

To protect citizens and other pets from disease and to keep our communities clean and beautiful, all pet owners are required to follow stoop and scoop practices, even on our own property! A big part of being a responsible pet owner is dealing with your pet's waste.

Failure to pick up after your pet (including on your own property) is an offence and could result in a fine of up to $5,000.

Other Communities: 
City of Greater Sudbury: 311 (705 671 2489) Shelter direct line 705-694-7387
Municipality of St Charles: 705-665-5003 or 705-562-4843
Municipality of French River: 705 898-2294
Municipality of Killarney: 705 287 2424
Municipality of Markstay Warren: 705 853 4536
Manitoulin Island (except Little Current, Sheguiandah and Birch Island and M'Chigeeng) try Central Manitoulin: 705 859 2389
Parry Sound area: 705 746-2413
For other municipalities consult the BLUE PAGES in your local telephone directory!

Concerns about stray dogs in unorganized areas, or where community services may not exist may be addressed by the Ontario Provincial Police:
1-888-310-1133 (TTY) 

Report animal welfare concerns 24/7 by calling 1-833-9ANIMAL (1-833-926-4625).
Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; Sudbury & District Animal Centre
Collège Boréal, West Side of Building
21 Lasalle Boulevard
Sudbury ON P3A 6B1
Phone:(705) 566-9582
Fax:(705) 566-6625
Email: [email protected]

Click here to go to the OSPCA site

Wildlife concerns, including bears and raccoons
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
(705) 564 - 7823
contact your local police force or dial 911
TO REPORT BEAR PROBLEMS: contact the Bear Reporting Line at:
1-866-514-BEAR (2327) (TTY) 705 945-7641

Click here to read our Ontario Accessibility Customer Service Policy Statement
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© 2025 The Rainbow District Animal ShelterAzilda, ON      705-673-3647     Shelter Boss by RescueConnection Software