I found a pet

If you have found a pet you can:

-Keep the pet and place a found report on our website - on this page you will be able to see all the lost reports filed by members of the public.

Click here to place a lost or found animal report!


 You may also:


-Arrange to drop a dog or cat off at the appropriate animal shelter, or;

-Request that Animal Control officer from the appropriate jurisdiction recover the dog or cat.


Where to report:


For concerns regarding stray or nuisance dogs or cats in the communities of:

The Town of Espanola,
The Town of Sables-Spanish Rivers (Massey, Walford, Webwood),
The Town of Spanish,
The Township of Baldwin (McKerrow),
The Town of Nairn-Hyman,
or stray or nuisance dogs, in the communities of:

The Towns of North Eastern Manitoulin and the Islands (Little Current & Sheguiandah)
Municipality of Killarney,
Municipality of Markstay-Warren,
Atikameksheng Anishnawbek (Whitefish Lake First Nation),
Wahnapitae First Nation,
Whitefish River First Nation (Birch Island),
Serpent River First Nation
M'Chigeeng First Nation

(705) 673-3647 (DOGS) or 1-800-836-6661.

If you have found a dog or cat in any of the communities above that you cannot care for you can call to arrange to drop it off at the animal shelter during office hours or call to request a pick up.

If you need the animal picked up it is best if you call early in the day to make the arrangements. We ask that you take steps to confine the dog or cat until the animal control officer arrives, and that you immediately call the shelter in the event the owners claim the animal or the animal is no longer in your possession for whatever reason.

Click here for directions to the Shelter

After Hours and Statuatory Holidays:

For concerns regarding injured dogs or cats, or situations where a dog or cat are a threat to public safety in the municipalities listed above;

Call: (705) 673-DOGS (3647) and press 5 for emergencies.

Lost and found reports may be placed anytime by anyone on our website - on this page you will be able to see all the lost reports filed by members of the public.

View the Lost and Found Animals

All stray dog or cats bought to the shelter, or recovered by our Animal Control Officers regardless of their condition are entered into our database and immediately posted on our website - if not before, their recovery.


For stray or nuisance dogs in other Communities:


City of Greater Sudbury: 311 (705 671 2489) Shelter direct line 705-694-7387
St Charles; Animal Control: 705-665-5003 or 705-562-4843
French River; Animal Control: 705 898-2294
Central Manitoulin (Bidwell, Gore Bay, Tehkummah, Mindemoya): 705-859-2389
Parry Sound, Animal Control: 705 746-2413
For other municipalities consult the BLUE PAGES in your local telephone directory!

Concerns about stray or nuisance dogs in unorganized areas may be addressed by the Ontario Provincial Police
Click here for the OPP's web site
1-888-310-1133 (TTY)

Concerns about stray dogs or cats in unorganized areas may be addressed by the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Call: 310-SPCA

Lost and found reports for these areas may be placed anytime by anyone on our website.

View the Lost and Found Animals

If you have found a pet and are prepared to care for it there are a few things you should know:


If a person finds an animal and in good faith keeps the animal until the owners come forward, you must contact the authorities in your area to report finding the animal.

Animal Control is a municipal responsibility, so if your Municipality is not listed above, consult the blue pages in your local telephone directory.

If you are ultimately willing provide the animal with a good home, there is no offence in possessing the animal, and you become the owners by the fact that you possess it.

However if the rightful owner ever comes forward they could compel you to relinquish the pet, assuming it could be proven they are the rightful owners.

Remember as the owners or possessors of any animal you are responsible for it. This means you can be held liable if it damages persons or property, and found negligent if you fail to provide proper care, including veterinary attention when required.
While you may be able to recover expenses from an owner if one ever comes forward, there are no legal protections for this. Most animal control agencies (including this one) can only provide care for animals in their possession.

Once you decide to keep the pet and you are satisfied that no one is looking for it you should have the animal spayed or neutered and the law requires that you register the pet with your municipality and bring it to a veterinarian for a rabies vaccination.

Click here to aquire a licence

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© 2025 The Rainbow District Animal ShelterAzilda, ON      705-673-3647     Shelter Boss by RescueConnection Software